Wednesday, April 4, 2007

OK.....Blog...I know!!!

Why do i have frens that threatens to change my password if i dont blog....WHY? thats why im blogging now...if not i will be in my room watching my tvb.....i dont really care about going online...but now...i think i have to think twice.......

Thanksgiving dinner is just GREAT!! So much fun just hanging out with everyone.....UNITY in that place was awesome.....everyone was just sharing how God has been good to all of us through out the conference and how we have blessed each other. About 8 churches there was just an atmosphere of UNITY....LOVE IT.......
The band (drgon diana, mel ko ko, vain sam, baby see and me) did the song SEND OUT A PRAYER.....a song i first heard in 1995. such a good song.....enjoyed the practice and it turn out well...despite some ppl forgetting the lyrics...hahah......thanks guys.... for putting up with my last minute request!!! hehe.....

Watched 300!!!! it was good....after the show i feel like taking up my grandmother's crutches to fight...and just " AH OO" ....great many things to pick up......from the show....SPARTANS will not RETREAT!!!!! i like that.......
SAturday night was another great night.....outing with my Diana, Jane S, Jane C, Ade, Sam, Mich & Josh....went to Grace Pj to support Sarah and Pet Pet.........they are just a bunch of great you guys .......PEt pet if you are reading this......too bad....i still like Pet Pet......hahahah......l

Something miraculous happened on Sunday.....and I assume that, thats the reason why it rained the whole morning....MY SISTER a.k.a LEONG YIN MEI....went to CITY HARVEST CHURCH with was good to have her...and she hung out with MY frens the whole day.....something i thought would never happen.......i would like to post a picture of her....but i dont know how.....
will do next time...Jane S has taken note!! hehe.. =)

Jane...thanks for the blog ROCK!!!!!

hahahahahaha....i fulfilled my 20 % to God....feels free...i dont owe God money for now.....hahah....

ok ...long enough.....

chiows the meow meow......

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